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Creating Your own Reality

Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 4 October 2012
Creating Your own Reality

WOW.. I so love this... Creating your own reality. We really do pave our own path in life. Whether we are doing it on purpose or by default. This is why it is so important to be really clear on our goals and what we want to achieve in life.

I know for me personally I have really been focusing on what I want and have been doing everything I need to do to make it happen. Rather than in the past I used to make a wish list of things I want and imagine how great it would be to have them.. but never take any action steps towards them.. WHY?? Because the action steps would be outside my comfort zone and I was way to comfortable in there... Why fix something that isn't broken right?

I now know from experience and learning the lessons, that unless I am moving forward and getting uncomfortable I am going the other way, and usually the downward spiral hits pretty hard!

For me the discomfort of moving forward and creating what I want is a lot more pleasurable then the discomfort of sudden displeasure from being in the comfort zone for way to long.

So what action steps did I take to make the change and start creating my own reality? First of all I got very clear on my long term goals. I then broke them down into bite size goals (monthly goals) and I found my driving factor why (my reason as to why I wanted it).. and the main step that most people miss is I took ACTION!! I started working on the goals and I am consistent with them daily.. and just keep doing that!

I would love to hear more about your realisation and journey towards creating your reality!

Lee Anne BartlettAuthor:Lee Anne BartlettConnect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Personal DevelopmentProfessional Development

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