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Home >  Blog >  YOUR MINDSET


Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 20 September 2011

Your mindset plays a very important part in the outcome of your life. Whether you create success or whether you are still dreaming of it!

Your mind can sometimes be the exact reason why you didn’t achieve what it was you wanted. It can be the biggest stopper in your life. Why is this? We all have what are called limiting beliefs. A belief we take as being real because we have not seen any evidence to prove to us otherwise. Unless we work really hard to move past these limiting beliefs, we stay stuck in our current reality and don’t try overly hard to move toward our goals because they seem like too big of a dream.

The people that do create success and go out and get their goals are the ones that see the limiting belief and turn it into drive to make a new belief which is so much bigger than their current mind can conceive. Once it is achieved their limiting belief is then so much less limiting and a higher belief is established. After all – beliefs are just thoughts that you have thought over and over; your mind thence taking them to be real.

You are totally in control of your journey in life, and deserve to have the best one ever!

What are some limiting beliefs that you have come to on your journey? Did you let them stop you or did you push past and create a new belief?

Lee Anne BartlettAuthor:Lee Anne BartlettConnect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Personal Development

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