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You weren't put on this earth to simply break-even..
You're here to break rules, to break records, to break through

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 1 March 2011

What are the keys to having an ever growing, ever evolving business?

There are so many things I could write about here, but I am going to keep it short and pick out the main top items that I think are very important after being in business myself for the past 10 years

1. Always make sure you are keeping up with the latest technology in your industry
People love hearing about the new, latest technology product or service. They want to know that you are up with the latest industry information and are giving them the best service, product or treatment available

2. Don’t have all your eggs in one basket.. excuse the pun
You just never know what is around the corner. What if you only had the one supplier and they supplied all the products for your business.. what if they weren’t here tomorrow? What would you do? How would it effect your business? The same goes for customers.. One big customer – gone.. This could be an absolute disaster if you don’t have a back up plan in place

3. Work on yourself and on your business – don’t just work in it
A business is only as good as the person behind it. You need to be the shining example; you need to be the positive, excited passionate goal driven leader, guiding your team to the Big GOAL! You need to have a PLAN, have GOALS and be working towards them. You need to be testing and measuring everything you do, and if it is not working, change it. Most people get too busy and forget about the planning part of their business, but it is really just as, if not more, important than the action.. (What if you weren’t planned ahead and didn’t order the buns for the burgers? This would effect your ACTION in making and selling the burgers, Right?)

4. Be Positive.. Enjoy what you do
It comes back to the BE DO HAVE principle. You need to be the person you want to become, and do the things that person would do, to have the things that you want to have. So be happy, be positive, focus on your goals, do affirmations and visualize your dreams as reality

5. Market.. Be Seen
You need to get your business seen. To market your business doesn’t mean you have to spend thousands of dollars on marketing campaigns; there are so many free ways to do this now through Social Media and the Internet. All you need is the right information and you will become a professional marketer easily and quickly. I would love to share with you our FREE Social Media Training.. visit our Facebook page today and get instant access – http://www.facebook.com/lovinglifenow2

I would love to hear any other ideas you have to add to this list..

Lee Anne BartlettAuthor:Lee Anne BartlettConnect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Work from Home MumsBusiness General

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