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Posted in Personal Development


Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 13 September 2011

Do you let fear run your life? Do you allow it to stop you from achieving those goals you have?

Fear can come in all different forms; the biggest one I see is Fear of Failure. It is so strong that some people would rather avoid failure than attempt Success.

Profoundly, it is but the smallest percent of people who are actually completely in control of their life and actions and will not let anything get in the way of achieving Success.

The most successful people in the world are also the people that have failed the most. They didn’t let the fear of failure get in their way.

What often makes the fear of failure worse is the feeling of regret you then get for not attempting success. The feeling of “What if I had only?”

But if you take the bull by the horns, laugh at the fear of failure and really look at it as, “well if I do fail, at least I gave it the best shot ever!” Or go even one better: if you fail the first time, think of another way to go for it that is better and keep going and going until such time as you are a success. That is what a successful person does.

What is something that you feared, pushed fear out of the way and attempted it anyway? Did you fail? Or Succeed?

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 6 September 2011

Achieving work life balance is not the easiest, quickest thing to do. It can take a long time to work out exactly what that means for you. I personally think that Work/ Life Balance can only be achieved once you are in the place of Gratitude and Joy. Because once you are happy with your work, happy with your personal life and happy with your financial situation, the work life balance can be more of an organic thing. As the pressure and the hard work is more relaxed and you can switch off and really be open to spending quality time at home.

If you start a new business looking for Time Freedom, Flexibility and Work Life Balance, you cant expect this to happen for you the first day. It takes time to put the rungs on the ladder, once you have put the consistent time and effort needed, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of Work Life Balance.

Another key point to work life balance is to make sure you are very organised. I find that a very strong DMO (Daily Method of Operation) so having everything scheduled from personal to business. It means you can be structured and enjoy the things you want to. As long as you follow it of course.

Would love to hear your thoughts on Work/ Life Balance and what that means for you, and how you achieve it!

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 30 August 2011

I have just returned from two days where I spent time with a group of like-minded, positive, successful people and wow do I feel inspired and empowered.

Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive, successful people really will assist you in moving closer and quicker to your goals. It is so true that it rubs off on you. So who are you surrounding yourself with? Are they people excited and happy for you always wanting to push you up… or people that are constantly wanting to pull you down with them, always discouraging your ideas.

Ask yourself this – how can you surround yourself with positive people if you are currently surrounded by negative people? There is a few ways: Attend business networking events, attend Personal Development Seminars and Workshops, Go Dancing, Do sport… anything that gets you out and active and makes your mind and body work.

Another way is to join online Success clubs… a great example is www.lifesuccessclub.com

Surround yourself with Positive people and you will attract more positive things into your life!

Where are some other places you can meet Positive Motivated People?

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 23 August 2011

I am so excited that this weekend we are heading down to Sydney, Australia for our next 1 Day Personal Development Event. I have been to plenty of events like this before, this one I feel is more exciting to me for a few reasons.

First of all I have a team of people coming along with me whom I have been mentoring and training for the past 12-24 months. I'll be able to see them move closer to their goals through what they are going to learn. Secondly, taking my learning to a whole new level. I have created some awesome success this year and have marked off so many of my goals, so being able to improve from my already improved position makes me so much more excited.

Continually working on your personal development may include things like listening to audios, reading books, attending seminars. Really anything that helps you stretch your mind and think of things, ideas and strategies to create more success in your life.

The thing with Personal Development is you cant do it once and then expect all these great things to appear in your life, you need to really embrace the strategies, feel the excitement and be passionate about your goals happening, all these things together create the strong pull of the law of attraction to attract those things you want into your life.

What are some things you do regularly to continue your professional/personal development?

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 9 August 2011

There are so many distractions we can let into our lives. Excuses and reasons not to start something or even worse not finish something.

So what are some strategies for staying focused on your goals?

I know for me it is picking one of my main goals and making an affirmation around it. Then visualising it as I say the affirmation. And most of all repeating the affirmation as much as I can all day long. It becomes a habit after a while.

Another way to stay focused is to break down your goals. Rather than just seeing this big goal that seems so far away, break it down into steps, and then you can mark the smaller goals off as you go, so then you can see your progress along the way. You could even give yourself some small rewards along the way also.

For a goal to come into reality you need to make sure you 100% believe in yourself and believe in yourself achieving the goal, you need certainty, excitement and passion. If you doubt that it is going to happen, then you will be right.

Be sure to revise your goals regularly and always stay focused on the goal (you will find that the obstacles that appear to be in the way will disappear)

I would love to hear some of your strategies and stories of visualisation

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