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Posted in Personal Development


Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 11 January 2011

What does Success mean for you?

For most people success is achieving all their goals and a lot of the time acquiring material assets. For you it may mean being admired and looked up to or it may mean happiness. Whatever it means for you the question is – well are you successful?

I personally feel success can be summed up in one thing – If you feel successful then you are. It comes back to the BE DO HAVE principle. If you are being the person you want to be, you will do the things you need to do, to have the things you want to have. Once you have achieved this then you will feel successful and will be successful. As success really is only a feeling. It is the feeling you get when you are happy, excited and loving life totally!

When you get to the place of feeling successful the universal law of attraction then attracts more success into your life and so on and so on. You have to love that feeling!

“Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.” –Jim Rohn

What does Failure mean for you?

Failure to a lot of people means that they don’t have the things they want in life. They don’t have the job; they don’t have the nice car, the nice house or the loving relationship. But failure really is the road to success. Most people don’t see this.

As most of you would know, the people we see as great successes in life are only there because they have been through more failures in life. To succeed you are going to fail along the way, you are only successful if you pick yourself up and try again and learn from your mistakes.

So really the only failure in life is the person who fails to get back up and give it another go. They sit there and complain to everyone that they tried, but it didn’t work.

“Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. “ – Jim Rohn

I would love to hear your thoughts on what Success and Failure mean to you

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 28 December 2010

Did you notice I used the word wanted and not expected…? When I was thinking about the title of this blog.. I almost wrote expected and then realized that if you expected it…. it would have arrived.

So have you in the past year been able to tick off all the goals you had for 2010? If not, then why not? Was it because you had too many excuses as to why this didn’t happen and that couldn’t happen?

If we get really serious the reason we didn’t achieve our goals this year was because we didn’t expect them to happen and didn’t take the necessary action needed to achieve them.. hence our excuses.

Can you make that change in your mindset and really go for it in 2011 and make it happen? Some of us will. Awesome (hats off to you)! But the sad thing is most of us won’t. Most will continue on their treadmill of life, doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result. (But we all know that if nothing changes, nothing changes – you can’t get a different result from doing the same actions.)

I would like to put this challenge out to you… and would love to hear your feedback. I am going to make it really simple. Pick 1 goal (only 1) and post it on this blog. By doing this you are stating to the world that you are going to do everything in your power and totally expect that this goal is going to become true for you in 2011. Go for it NOW!

Have a wonderful New Year… you absolutely deserve it. Lee Anne x

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 18 November 2010

Buddha said, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” The mind conquers all, it is everything. Our sorrow and happiness, success and failure, riches and poverty, and everything in this world depend on this wonderful gift called mind. All through mankind’s best, the statesmen, scientists, historians, and even philosophers have told us that the most powerful tool available to human being is their minds. The mind’s range is borderless and we do not need to look for proof just to understand this reality. The truth is around us. We are surrounded by the greatest minds. However, not all of us may achieve what these greatest personalities had; they just stretched their mind a little longer a little bigger.

What is holding you back from attaining greatness yourself? You fear your dreams because you do not believe you can attain them, so you confuse your mind with non-self belief. You tend to argue your limitations. You bring negativity to yourself because you decline to have faith that good things can happen to you. If you continuously tell your Universe that you are of less use then the Universe will agree. But if you release your mind completely from self perceived boundaries or if you just strive to never giving up, then, your Universe will respond to you in amazing ways.

If you persist to have faith as you continuously believe, you will keep on acting as you have usually acted, you will keep on getting what you always gotten. By changing how you use our mind, you will get different results in your lives in all areas. If you would like to achieve something which you think is unattainable, then deliberate on that thought for a while. Visualize attaining it and be determined to reach success.

Converse to your mind and train it. Observe the performance of your mind in times of sadness and joy then perform and respond appropriately. As they say, your mind is like the sand you pour into your palm. If you try to grasp or hold of it, the more it sneaks out of your palm. Thus, do not force your mind to be uncontrollable, instead, discipline or tame it towards something else productive. Do it steadily that it becomes a habit to you as well as to your mind. As a result, you will no longer need to tame it. It is then you will appreciate the power of mind.

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 19 October 2010

Not everyone is familiar with affirmations and its real power. Affirmations are utilized as reminders, aiding to maintain positive messages to our awareness. It is not only essential to habitually think of these affirmations; it is also a great initiative to leave them displayed around the house, where you frequently see them. In short, they become your thoughts that you go over and over again until they become an attitude where the subconscious acts on them.

Before going any further, let’s first clear some misapprehension about affirmations. In order to affect somebody else’s actions, one cannot use affirmations. For instance, you cannot say an affirmation to act in a way you want them to do. You cannot say affirmations to alter past events or correct something that is already false. Affirmations perform superlatively when they are associated to you and your behavior and your objectives. Like for example, if you want to improve your relationship with someone and you want him to listen and understand you better, as mentioned earlier you cannot dictate someone to behave with an affirmation. Instead, you should be concentrating on you and your behavior, how you behave accordingly. You should be finding ways to aid someone understand you better. You should be saying the right words to help someone listen to you. You should look for ways to persuade someone to listen and understand you better.

In creating affirmations, you concentrate on what you desire and not on what you do not desire. Exercise to say your affirmations in your head to yourself. Train your mind to concentrate on what you want and create corresponding affirmations. When you exercise the affirmation in your head, you educate your mind to dwell positively and think positive and the most important, it stops from being negative.

Affirmations are powerful instrument that can help you build the life you’ve been wanting. But you have to continuously work and use them properly and regularly to the extent that they become your routine that you want to say them all of the time.

Affirmations are just one of many powerful methods you could utilize to get your subconscious mind going at a faster rate towards making the life you desire

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Posted by Lee Anne Bartlett on 15 September 2010

Have you ever wondered what is the main key element to achieving a short or even a long term goal? Is there a special magic dust or potion that all successful people have?

I personally wondered this myself for so many years.. I used to watch people reaching my goals before me and think.. wow that is so not fair.. they have this going for them.. that is why they got there before me. Oh and they also knew this person and had so much more spare time etc etc.

But of more recent times and after years of working on myself with Personal Development, I now know what that special key to success is.. Would you like to know?

CONSISTENCY! Yes Consistency… Now this doesn’t mean.. a bit here and a bit there. It means the same thing over and over and over.. everyday or every week ongoing until you get the result you are after.

Now I don’t mean do the same thing over and over if it is not giving you results.. for example if you were posting adverts on this one particular website for a few weeks and you did not receive any response at all.. you would want to be changing the site you are posting to… but the consitent part of that would be to not stop posting adverts all together just because that advert got no results.. Find a new site and keep going!

Now this can be applied to all aspects of your life.. whether it business, sport, relationships etc

As long as you have a clear vision and purpose… being consistent in the action to achieve the GOAL will get you there everytime.

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